2017“Art and Peace – an exhibition of contemporary Chinese art” opened at London’s Mall Galleries

At 6.30pm local time on 14th August, “Art and Peace – an exhibition of contemporary Chinese art” opened at London’s Mall Galleries. Several VIPs spoke at the opening ceremony, including:

Lord Timothy Clement-Jones CBE, Member of the House of Lords and Deputy Chair of the All Party Parliamentary China Group;

Ms. Frances Blois, Honorary Alderman of the City of Westminster;

Mr. Liu Xiaoming, the Chinese Ambassador;

Mr. Liu Dawei, Chairman of the Chinese Artists Association;

Mr. Anthony J Lester, Chairman of the British Artists’ Federation Exhibition Committee;

Ms. Suzanna Mu, Manager Director of Sino-European Arts UK and curator of “Art & Peace” in London.



Ms. Val Duschinsky, Deputy Mayor of the London Borough of Brent, Mr.  Xiao Xioa Wei, a cultural counsellor of the Chinese Embassy and a Chinese delegation  including Mr. Sun Rucheng, Deputy Director of the Exhibition Department of China Federation of Fine Arts, Ms. Tao Qin, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Artists Association, Mr. Liu Zhong, Director of international Department, and nearly 300 professionals and art lovers from the British political, business and art communities, such as the British Museum, the Royal College of Art, as well as art critics and collectors.

Before the opening ceremony, we successfully held a high-level academic seminar on the difference between the Chinese and Western art traditions, featuring talks by Liu Dazhong, Deputy Secretary Tao Qin, Mick Davies, Vice-Chairman of the Royal Society of British Artists, Tony Hunt, Vice-Chairman of Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours, and Graham Kill, Chairman of the Suffolk branch of the Institute of Directors.

“Art & Peace – An Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art” is part of the China Arts World Tour, and is hosted by The China Artists Association. The exhibition celebrated the 45th anniversary of the establishment of ambassador-level diplomatic relations between China and the United Kingdom. The Tour aims to promote and strengthen mutual understanding and exchange between The China Artists Association and fine art communities around the world.

The exhibition was hosted by the China Artists Association and organised by Sino-European Art UK.

For a warm Monday evening in the August holiday season, this was an unprecedented gathering of so many professionals. Mall Galleries was crowded with hundreds of excited art lovers, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

At the show’s unveiling, Liu Xiaoming, China’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, described the contemporary art exhibition as representing the Chinese people’s keen aspiration for peace.

Liu Dawei, chairman of the China Artists Association, stressed that communication and understanding is a core value for any bilateral relationship.

We know that Brexit is happening and the UK is leaving the EU. The country needs to develop new relationships and grow existing ones with non-EU countries. Good trade relationships depend on good cultural and other relationships so that we understand each other better as partners.

China is going to be an important partner going forward – arguably the most important partner. This event is part of building stronger post-Brexit relationships with China so that, based on a better understanding through culture, we better understand each other as trading partners.

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凤凰电台 中国当代美术伦敦亮相 以和平为主题 驻英国大使刘晓明出席“艺术与和平—中国当代美术作品展”开幕式在伦敦开幕 “艺术与和平——中国当代美术作品展”在伦敦开幕 – 国务院新闻办公室 驻英国大使刘晓明在“艺术与和平-中国当代美术作品展”国际巡展开幕式上的致辞:《让各国和谐相处,让和平永驻人间》驻英国 使刘晓明出席“艺术与和平—中国当代美术作品 展” 国际在线艺术与和平–中国当代艺术展在伦敦摩尔艺术馆开幕新华络电视 北京國際美術雙年展登陸倫敦-字媒體ZiMedia 华商报中国当代艺术 次来英开展 “艺术与和平”美术展亮相英国 中国日报 英国展示和平的艺术灵感 新华网Contemporary 中国艺术品在英国展出 浙江经济中国当代美术作品在伦敦展出 以“艺术与和平”为主题 英侨网第七届中国北京国际美术双年展隆重开幕 第七届中国北京国际美术双年展隆重开幕-英国华商报 英国华欧艺术中心第七届中国北京国际美术双年展隆重开幕 第三届世界华侨华人摄影展在福州市隆重举行 第三届世界华侨华人摄影展在福州市隆重举行-英国华商报 艺术与和平—中国当代美术作品展”在英国伦敦摩尔美术馆(Mall Galleries)盛大开幕 http://www.chinaql.org/n1/2018/0625/c420240-30083781.html http://www.chinaql.org/n1/2018/0625/c420240-30083778.html http://www.chinaql.org/n1/2018/0625/c420240-30083771.html  

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