About Us

Welcome to Sino European Arts

The  Sino Europe Art  is an organisation located in the heart of London, specialising in art exhibition planning and consulting. It primarily focuses on curating and promoting artistic and cultural exchanges between China and the UK. The centre boasts a professional team of art consultants, providing services such as consultation on art and cultural exchanges, art criticism, promotion, and publishing.

With a dedicated focus on contemporary Chinese art, calligraphy, and photography, the centre positions itself as a leading advocate for these fields in the UK. Its mission is to establish a platform for the exchange of contemporary art between the East and the West, fostering mutual appreciation and integration of artistic and cultural traditions from both regions.

The organisation aims to support artists by offering exposure opportunities and enhancing their influence. The professional consultant team brings deep expertise in the art domain, engaging in strategic planning for cultural exchanges, artist promotion, and various consulting services related to the art world.

Through its activities and initiatives, the UK China-Europe Art and Culture Exchange Centre contributes to the diversification of the art scene and promotes cross-cultural understanding, creating a space where artists and cultural practitioners can engage in dialogue, learn from one another, and contribute to the appreciation and blending of Eastern and Western artistic traditions.


      英国華歐藝術文化交流中心是一家位于伦敦市中心的艺术展览策划和咨询的机构,主要从事中国与英国之间的艺术文化交流的策划, 艺术家的推广等工作.  有专业的艺术咨询顾问团队,并提供艺术文化交流相关的咨询,艺术作品评论, 推广与出版等工作. 专注于中国当代艺术,书法及摄影。作为英国领先的中国当代艺术, 书法和摄影推动者,我们致力于打造东西方当代艺术交流的平台,促进东西方艺术文化传统的相互欣赏与相互交融。


      2017年, 此机构在中英建立大使级外交关系45周年之际,在英国伦敦为中国美术家协会成功地承办了《首届北京国际美术双年展的英国巡展》名为“艺术与和平——中国当代美术作品展”,。

     此展于当地引起强烈反响, 中外多家新闻媒体记者在开幕式翌日对展览进行了详细报道,有媒体赞扬“艺术与和平——中国当代美术作品展”不仅展示了中国当代的艺术瑰宝,还翻开了中英艺术文化领域的新篇章, 被主流媒体报道为“伦敦三十年来见过的最佳的中国美术展”。开幕式上, 英国国会议员克莱门特·琼斯爵士、威斯敏斯特副市长弗朗西斯·布卢瓦女士,巴纳副市长瓦尔·达斯琼斯比先生,英国艺术家联合会展览委员会安东尼·杰·莱斯特摩尔主席,中国美术家协会代表团及来自大英博物馆、皇家艺术学院等机构的专家学者代表约200余人和近50家中外媒体出席。

      2019 年, 此机构组织了英国艺术家参加第八届北京国际双年展BIAB, 作品在北京中国美术馆展出。同年, 又组织了英国華人攝影師参加第四届世界华侨华人摄影展, 作品在中国華侨博物馆展出. 英国華歐藝術文化交流中心荣获优秀组织奖。

        2022年,  此机构在中英建立大使级外交关系50周年之际,《中国摄影艺术年鉴- 欧洲卷》首卷, 首次在伦敦出版, 为东西方摄影艺术家的作品的创建对话平台。英国伦敦欧洲编委会是由中国文化和旅游部《中国摄影艺术年鉴》编委会授权于英国華歐藝術文化交流中心, 负责收集来自世界各地的优秀作品,编辑、设计、印刷和发行《中国摄影艺术年鉴- 欧洲卷》

     该年鉴出版后,受到了摄影界的好评。评论者认为,该书整体意境独特,图像编排富有节奏感,作品内容与设计风格一致,充满视觉冲击力,同时装订精美,为读者呈现了一部精彩而权威的摄影经典。《中国摄影艺术年鉴-欧洲卷 2022-2023》目前可在大英图书馆目录中查阅,并已被英国皇家图书馆收藏。与此同时, 也被许多大学图书馆收藏,如牛津大学和伦敦大学学院等。

        令人欣喜的是,英国国王查尔斯三世也曾饶有兴致地翻阅此年鉴,并请帕纳约托娃博士给该年鉴的主编Suzanna MU 写了一封信以示感谢。英国皇家摄影学会主席西蒙·希尔HonFRPS 表示:“我仔细阅读了这本书,书中一些作品令我感到惊叹。很高兴看到它在皇家摄影协会得到了广泛推广。

       華歐藝術文化中心与英国董事局,皇家攝影协会, 国际著名藝術雜誌, 大英博物馆, 皇家艺术学院, 以及艺术评论家,收藏家等建立了长期友好的合作关系。


Suzanna Mu



Suzanna Mu

Chinese-British Art Curator & Chief Editor | Managing Director of Sino-European Arts UK | Chairman of the London Committee of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy World Tour | Member of Royal Photographical Society and Chinese Oversea Photographical Society | Member of Institute of Directors | Founders Charter member of the Lions club of London St. James’s.

She hold an MBA Degree, a qualification in Visual Arts from the University of Oxford, and Certificate in Curating and Exhibition Management from City University, London. She has worked in London as a curator and art consultant. She has become an influential Curator and Chief Editor in the Chinese and UK art scenes.

She curated “Art and Peace – An Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art” at the Mall Gallery in London in an attractive and successful exhibition which aimed to promote and strengthen mutual understanding and cultural exchange between the East and West in Fine Art communities around the world. The exhibition also celebrated the 45th anniversary of ambassador-level diplomatic relations between China and the United Kingdom in 2017. 

She was authorised as the chief curator of the British Special Exhibition by the China Artists Association and organised British artists to participate in the 8th Beijing International Biennale Exhibition at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing (BIAB) in 2019.

She in the role of Chief Editor published the European – Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook 2022-2023. This is the first European-focused volume of the well-established Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook, and brings together almost 300 images from more than 150 photographers located around the world. This Yearbook aims to show the variety of views through the lenses of these outstanding photographers, and to show the unique visions from their different cultural perspectives. The Yearbook creates a platform for dialogue between Eastern and Western photographers and helps build a foundation for cultural exchanges between the people of these different regions.

Since the book was launched there has been some incredibly positive feedback: a wide variety of different people have expressed their appreciation of the variety and quality of the images. This book provides an invaluable platform for photographers from East and West to come together, sharing unique viewpoints, an initiative to the benefit of all.

Suzanna established Sino-European Arts and the London Committee of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy World Tour in 2015 – 2016. She is passionate about effective engagement in art and has wide experience of managing the development of artists.

She has been engaged in cultural and art work for more than ten years, She has also participated in various international exhibitions and publications. She creates platforms for dialogue between Eastern and Western artists, and actively promotes cultural exchanges between East and West.

She love the visual arts and photography. She has been awarded “Excellent Work Prize” five consecutive times in the World Overseas Chinese Photography Competition and displayed work in many photography exhibitions of the Royal Photography Society and other camera clubs. She is a member of the Royal Photographical Society and also a member of the Chinese Overseas Photographical Society. She has successfully organised contemporary art and photographic exhibitions at the Mall Galleries for China and Hong Kong art institutions and individuals.

She has supported the Chinese community by sponsoring cultural preservation and charity works, and is involved in philanthropy work. She is also a member of the Institute of Directors and a Founders Charter member of the Lions club of London St. James’s.

       英国华人艺术策展人兼主编 |英国華歐藝術文化中心 主任 |中国书画世界巡展伦敦组委会主席|英国皇家摄影学会会员|中国华侨攝影协会会员| 浙江经济网 海外编委|, 浙江经济理事会第一届海外委员会委员| 欧洲华侨华人妇女联合总会 副主席|英国欧杭妇女会 会长 |董事协会会员 |伦敦圣詹姆斯狮子会创始人特许会员。

, ,    她在伦敦获得了营销管理 MBA 学位以及策展和展览管理资格, 担任策展人和艺术顾问, 已成为中英艺术界颇具影响力的策展人和主编。



       她作为主编, 出版了《中国摄影艺术年鉴—欧洲卷2022-2023》, 这是历史悠久的中国摄影艺术年鉴的第一本以欧洲为中心的卷,汇集了来自世界各地 150 多名摄影师的近 300 张照片。本年鉴旨在通过这些杰出摄影师的镜头展现多样的视角,展示他们从不同文化角度的独特视野。该年鉴为东西方摄影师之间的对话搭建了平台,为不同地区人民之间的文化交流奠定了基础。






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